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Uncovering Scarce Inventory: A Win-Win Strategy for All

Our experience has shown that the key to securing and obtaining inventory at the highest possible ROI lies in releasing potential excess/surplus spares via an ongoing review of an organization’s inventory holdings. This should be done in addition to any other infrequent or annual inventory reviews carried out.

The GMDC, Inc. “hidden inventory” search is a unique and powerful tool which discovers hard to find material that may exist in the active inventories of operators worldwide. Those inventories are typically not available on the open market, and are easiest reached through our program.


To seek and purchase spares by circulating a list of items to individual organizations worldwide who participate in our program. Their planning/material sales departments review and ascertain release of all configurations of any listed part number needed and quote us accordingly. Their extra efforts will virtually guarantee our purchase of any identified saleable material from the responding organization(s).

Benefits to Our Sources

Our sources realize specific benefits from their participation in this program:

  • The respondent has the advantage of an immediate review of potential surplus/excess items. This can be a catalyst to obtain a higher return on an otherwise idle inventory.
  • Conversely, this also pre-alerts the source to any potential stock shortages.

Clearly, the respondent benefits by taking full advantage of the rewards this program offers. Those rewards can only be achieved by conducting a prompt and thorough review of requested items. The utmost must be done to release any given item which may be determined as excess or surplus as a result of the review.

Benefits to Our Clients

We have developed our program to make the inherent problems in availing scarce material much less difficult. Our clients now have access to inventory which would most probably be unavailable for sale on the open market. The buyer is also able to purchase located material at favorable prices and delivery schedules. Our commitment to our clients is to go above and beyond the usual to satisfy their needs.


Our Track Record and Commitment to Our Sources

We guarantee that responders who truly take the time to review our requests will realize solid sales results. Those results are based on several long-standing policies:

  • First, we only forward requests based on actual end user needs, sent to us directly from the end user.
  • Second, we will never circulate our lists for “pricing” purposes.
  • Third, we will customize and limit our lists to contain line items which do not fall below a preset value, and which are most likely found within the targeted source’s inventory.


Thank you for your interest in our hidden inventory search program. Please contact our offices if you have any further questions. We look forward to welcoming you into our expanding network of participating organizations in our program.

Contact us to find out more about turning your inventory into a major profit opportunity for your company.